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Conferences and CFPs

  • 24 Sep 2020 2:36 PM | Marc Cels

    Registration is now open!

    Masculinities in the Premodern World: Continuities, Change, and Contradictions
    12-14 November 2020

    The past twenty-five years have witnessed a bourgeoning of studies on sexuality and gender in the pre-modern world. In particular, men and masculinities have received considerable attention. Building on the theoretical perspectives provided by feminism, Foucault, and cultural studies, the study of men and masculinities is increasingly theoretically inflected and sophisticated. Studies have encompassed questions pertaining to men of various social statuses, secular and ecclesiastical, as portrayed in historical, literary, philosophical, theological, and art historical sources among others.

    The conference, sponsored by the Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium (TRRC), seeks to locate the study of premodern men and masculinities in its current richness and complexity. 

    Papers will be presented by over 70 scholars from 6 countries.

    Because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, the conference will take place virtually via Zoom.  

    The conference will open on the evening of Thursday, 12 November, with a plenary address by Professor Patricia Simons (U of Michigan) on “Marked Differences: The Beard in Renaissance Europe”. We are pleased to say that this opening address is co-sponsored with the Royal Ontario Museum and is part of their 2020-21 "ROM Speaks" series. 

    The conference will continue on Zoom, all day Friday and Saturday, 13-14 November. 

    To register for the conference, or to consult the conference program and read the abstracts for all the papers to be presented, please visit the conference web page at:

    Attendance is limited. Please register soon to avoid disappointment. Registration will close on 30 October or earlier if the attendance limit is reached before then.

  • 15 Jun 2020 7:11 AM | Anonymous

    An international symposium in the field of literary studies will take place under the auspices of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the Villa Vigoni from September 27 to October 2, 2021. In the planned symposium, lyrical migrational processes situated in the periods around 1300, around 1800 or spanning both periods will be elaborated upon. Inner-lyrical migrations (between different genres of lyric poetry, languages, cultures) will be considered alongside processes of exchange and migration with other literary genres and non-literary discursive formations. The symposium is structured by the following four sections, which examine in greater detail (1) semantic transformations, (2) epistemic migrational processes in the context of lyric poetry’s claims of value, (3) the question of the universality or historicity of lyrical forms and (4) the materiality and mediality of lyrical migrations.

    Especially younger scholars (however generally not doctoral candidates) are requested to communicate their interest in participating and a proposed topic (max. 1 page) to the organizers of the symposium by September 1, 2020.

    The specific requirements can be found here.

  • 16 Apr 2020 3:21 PM | Marc Cels

    We are a unit within CBC Radio that chases and produces interviews for our many radio programs across the country (mainly morning and afternoon shows). So guests on any particular topic speak with a series of stations over a "window" of time (for example, 6-9am or 2:30-6:30 pm Eastern Time), same topic, different hosts asking versions of the same questions.

    We are pondering a short series detailing disasters and calamities of the past, what happened, what was learned from them (if anything!), and how history can inform our present.

    Immediately to mind, of course, are events like the Black Death.  But history is full of incidents that are not necessarily plagues and disease driven ... but had a significant effect on the world, or North America, or Canada.

    I kinda hear this as a "Let me tell you a story about what happened way back in ...."  I know that's a very simplified version of what you folks study and write about ... but we have to program our content for a very wide and diverse listenership.

    Right now, we would not be able to offer compensation.  But the scope of CBC radio is vast, with many of our programs across Canada being overwhelmingly #1 in terms of listenership.

    So if you have a pitch to make ... please send your idea to me:

    Thank you,

    Nathan Swinn Senior Producer CBC Radio Syndication 

  • 10 Mar 2020 8:52 AM | Marc Cels

    Bonjour à toutes et tous, 

    Nous donnerons à l'UQAM cette année la deuxième édition du stage intensif : Du manuscrit à l'incunable. Initiation au texte médiéval et renaissant, sous forme d’une école d'été d'une semaine, en collaboration avec l'IRHT dont plusieurs membres viennent comme formateurs, la dernière semaine du mois d'août (23-28 août) 2020. 

    Cette école d'été est destinée avant tout aux étudiant-e-s qui voudraient se destiner à une maîtrise ou doctorat, ou qui viennent de le commencer, en études médiévales ou sur la première modernité. Toutefois nous avons accepté par le passé des professeurs, enseignants, bibliothécaires, etc., qui désiraient améliorer leur appréciation et connaissance des manuscrits et livres rares.

    Vous trouverez ici l'affiche contenant toutes les informations sur l'inscription et le programme. 

    Les étudiant-e-s non francophones, dès lors qu'elles ou ils se débrouillent en français, sont les bienvenu-e-s!

    Informations essentielles

    La date limite pour les demandes d'inscription, accompagnée d'une lettre de motivation, est le 30 avril (

    Le prix d'inscription au stage sera modique, environ 150$ selon le nombre d'inscrits. 

    Notez bien que les participant-e-s venu-e-s d'ailleurs devront prendre en charge leur séjour à Montréal. 

    En vous priant de relayer l'information à ceux et celles qui seraient intéressé-e-s.



    Les médiévistes de l'UQAM



    Dear colleagues,

    This year, the Université du Québec à Montréal will be holding the second iteration of a manuscript (and early print) summer school in the last week of August (23-28): Du manuscrit à l'incunable. Initiation au texte médiéval et renaissant.  This course will be given in cooperation with the French IRHT, which will also be providing several of our instructors. 

    This summer school is intended first of all for graduate students (whether beginning or advanced) in any area of medieval studies, or early modern studies.  However, in the past we have offered places to professors, teachers, librarians, etc., who are interested in developing their appreciation for medieval manuscripts and particularly their knowledge thereof.

    Summary details on the content and the application procedure can be found on the official announcement sheet, here:  

    Non-francophone participants are welcome, so long as they can understand spoken French without too much difficulty.

    Key details

    The due date for applications is the 30th of April (

    The fees for the course will be quite reasonable, about $150, depending on the number of applicants.  However, all those enrolled will have to find their own accommodation in Montreal.

    Those wishing to enroll will be asked to provide a brief application letter (1-2 pages) explaining how the course might benefit them.

    We would appreciate if you could circulate this information to those who might be interested.


    Best wishes,

    The UQAM medievalists
  • 31 Jan 2020 12:41 PM | Marc Cels

    St. Andrew's Institute of Medieval Studies (UK) invites entries for its annual Medieval Studies Essay Competition for graduate students and early career researchers. The prize is £500, with a proxime prize of £100. The winning entry will also be considered for publication in The Mediaeval Journal.

    Full terms and conditions can be found here The template cover page can be found here. The deadline for entries this year is 19 March 2020.

  • 9 Dec 2019 2:58 PM | Brandon Alakas

    Canadian Society of Medievalists (CSM) Annual Meeting
    Congress 2020, University of Western Ontario, June1-3, 2020

     Knowledge Mobilization? Medieval Studies Research and Outreach

    Both SSHRC* requirements and increasingly problematic uses of the medieval in the world outside the academy demand that medievalists find new ways to communicate their knowledge of the period’s complexities and entanglements to the broader public. Some of this we do in our classrooms and some of this we do in various forms of public outreach. This session seeks to compare notes on how medievalists work to communicate and connect their research and knowledge to the wider world. What forms of outreach might we practise both inside and outside the university classroom? What has worked well for you, or where would you like to start with such outreach? How do you reach out to the broader public of a multicultural, diverse country like Canada? What have been successful or failed attempts to do this in your geographical area? This session seeks proposals for short presentations (5-7 minutes) in which speakers will outline tools, strategies, experiences, and/or resources for communicating and connecting their research and knowledge of the medieval period’s complexities to multicultural Canada. Presentations may include but are not limited to: descriptions of outreach educational activities inside and outside the university, descriptions of projects (such as online teaching tools either for university or for K-12 teachers or for learning in retirement), discussions of effective lesson plans or public lecture topics, and/or the proposal of new methodologies or pedagogies. By keeping presentations to 5-7 minutes, this session hopes to hear from a wide range of medievalists in Canada and to allow time for a lively discussion with the audience.

    We are seeking paper proposals from individuals in order to propose our session to the CSM conference organizers by their deadline of January 15, 2020. To that end, please send individual proposals (a one-page abstract and a one-page cv) to Siobhain Bly Calkin ( by January 10, 2020. Presenters must be members of the CSM by the time of the Congress.

    *Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

  • 4 Dec 2019 9:30 AM | Fabienne Michelet

    We are pleased to announce the 2020 Toronto Old English Colloquium hosted by the Centre for Medieval Studies and the Department of English at the University of Toronto. Each year, the colloquium brings together graduate students and seasoned scholars for a day dedicated to Old English scholarship. We invite proposals from graduate students for papers on any area of interest related to Old English, and are seeking a broad range of topics including - but not limited to - literature, law, history, art history, medicine, science, lexicography, palaeography, and any other relevant areas. The length of a paper presentation should be 20 minutes. We may be able to provide some funding to support accommodation and/or student travel. 

    Deadline: January 6th, 2020 

    Proposals should include a 300-word abstract, a one-page CV, and full contact information. Please submit queries or proposals for papers to Professor Fabienne Michelet ( and Shirley Kinney (

  • 18 Nov 2019 2:16 PM | Marc Cels

    Paul Brown aptly described Thomas Becket as a tripartite figure: historical, legendary, and literary. 2020 marks the triple jubilee of Thomas Becket: 900-year anniversary of his birth, 850-years since his murder, and 800-years since his translation. We invite proposals for papers on all things Becket related for the panel “Commemorating Thomas Becket.” I will be submitting a proposal for a session at the beginning of January for the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Medievalists conference held at the 2020 Congress in London, Ontario, at the University of Western Ontario, June 3-5. Proposals which address the political, religious, literary, or cultural aspects of his life, death, or legacy are invited for submission. Participants may be from any field or subfield of Medieval or Renaissance studies. Interdisciplinary papers or
    collaborative papers are encouraged and welcome. An abstract of 200-300 words with a title and contact information, along with a one-page C.V., should be sent to Tristan B. Taylor, Department of English, University of Saskatchewan, via email at by January 10th,

  • 7 Oct 2019 2:56 PM | Brandon Alakas

    "Investigating Art/Architecture: Medieval/Medievalism" 

    The 41st Canadian Conference of Medieval Art Historians will be hosted by the School of Fine Art and Music at the University of Guelph, ON, on March 13-14, 2020. Papers are invited on any topic relating to the art, architecture and visual/material culture of the Middle Ages or its post-medieval revivals. Papers may be in English or French. Please submit a short abstract (250 words) and brief (one-page) C.V. by 15 December 2019 to Dominic Marner ( Scholars at every stage of their careers are encouraged to submit proposals.

     Le 41e colloque canadien des historiens de l’art medieval est qui se tiendra à l’Université du Guelph, ON les 13 et 14 mars 2020. Les communications portant sur tout sujet relatif à l’art, à l’architecture et à la culture visuelle/matérielle du Moyen Âge ou à ses renaissances postmédiévales seront bienvenues. Les interventions peuvent être faites soit en anglais ou en français. Veuillez soumettre un court résumé de votre communication (250 mots) ainsi qu’un bref C.V. (une page) d’ici le 15 décembre 2019 à Dominic Marner ( Les chercheurs/chercheures qui sont à différentes étapes de leur carrière académique sont encouragé(e)s à participer.


     Guelph, ON March/Mars 13-14, 2020

  • 28 Aug 2019 5:55 PM | Marc Cels

    Canadian Society of Medievalists Annual Meeting

    Congress 2020

    Rencontre annuelle de la Société canadienne des médiévistes

    Congrès 2020

    June 1 to 3, 2020 / 1er au 3 juin 2020

    University of Western Ontario, London, ON

    Papers for the CSM Annual Meeting can address any topic on medieval studies. Proposals for sessions of three papers are also invited. Presentations may be in either English or French. Bilingual sessions are particularly welcome.

    Proposals should include a one-page abstract and a one-page curriculum vitae. Papers should be no more than 20 minutes' reading time. Proposals for complete sessions should include this information in addition to a title and a brief explanation of the session and its format. Please indicate if the proposed session would be suitable as a joint session with another learned society. The theme for this year's Congress is "Bridging Divides: Confronting Colonialism and Anti-Black Racism." See

    Please submit proposals for individual papers by December 15, 2019 and proposals for sessions by January 15, 2020 by email to Kathy Cawsey, either by regular email ( or via our website’s email system ( You must be a member of the CSM by the time of your presentation.

    Les communications à ce congrès annuel de la SCM peuvent traiter de tout sujet relatif aux études médiévales.  L'invitation est également lancée pour des propositions de sessions comprenant trois communications. Les communications peuvent être données en français ou en anglais. Les sessions bilingues sont particulièrement bienvenues.

    Les propositions de communications devront inclure un résumé et un curriculum vitae d'une page chacun. La durée de lecture maximale des communications devra être de 20 minutes. Les propositions de sessions devront inclure, outre les informations ci-dessus, un titre et une courte explication du contenu de la session et de son format. Veuillez indiquer si la session proposée pourrait être organisée conjointement avec une autre société savante. Congrès 2020 a retenu le thème « Bâtir des passerelles : combattre le colonialisme et le racisme anti-Noirs ». ( 

    Veuillez soumettre vos propositions au plus tard le 15 décembre 2019 pour des communications individuelles et le 15 janvier 2020 pour des sessions, par courriel à Kathy Cawsey ( ou par le formulaire de contact de notre site, Vous devrez être un membre en règle de la SCM au moment de votre communication.

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