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Masculinities in the Premodern World: Continuities, Change, and Contradictions

24 Sep 2020 2:36 PM | Marc Cels (Administrator)

Registration is now open!

Masculinities in the Premodern World: Continuities, Change, and Contradictions
12-14 November 2020

The past twenty-five years have witnessed a bourgeoning of studies on sexuality and gender in the pre-modern world. In particular, men and masculinities have received considerable attention. Building on the theoretical perspectives provided by feminism, Foucault, and cultural studies, the study of men and masculinities is increasingly theoretically inflected and sophisticated. Studies have encompassed questions pertaining to men of various social statuses, secular and ecclesiastical, as portrayed in historical, literary, philosophical, theological, and art historical sources among others.

The conference, sponsored by the Toronto Renaissance and Reformation Colloquium (TRRC), seeks to locate the study of premodern men and masculinities in its current richness and complexity. 

Papers will be presented by over 70 scholars from 6 countries.

Because of Covid-19 travel restrictions, the conference will take place virtually via Zoom.  

The conference will open on the evening of Thursday, 12 November, with a plenary address by Professor Patricia Simons (U of Michigan) on “Marked Differences: The Beard in Renaissance Europe”. We are pleased to say that this opening address is co-sponsored with the Royal Ontario Museum and is part of their 2020-21 "ROM Speaks" series. 

The conference will continue on Zoom, all day Friday and Saturday, 13-14 November. 

To register for the conference, or to consult the conference program and read the abstracts for all the papers to be presented, please visit the conference web page at:

Attendance is limited. Please register soon to avoid disappointment. Registration will close on 30 October or earlier if the attendance limit is reached before then.

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