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CFP: International symposium: "Migrations of Lyric Poetry: 1300, 1800"

15 Jun 2020 7:11 AM | Anonymous

An international symposium in the field of literary studies will take place under the auspices of the German Research Foundation (DFG) at the Villa Vigoni from September 27 to October 2, 2021. In the planned symposium, lyrical migrational processes situated in the periods around 1300, around 1800 or spanning both periods will be elaborated upon. Inner-lyrical migrations (between different genres of lyric poetry, languages, cultures) will be considered alongside processes of exchange and migration with other literary genres and non-literary discursive formations. The symposium is structured by the following four sections, which examine in greater detail (1) semantic transformations, (2) epistemic migrational processes in the context of lyric poetry’s claims of value, (3) the question of the universality or historicity of lyrical forms and (4) the materiality and mediality of lyrical migrations.

Especially younger scholars (however generally not doctoral candidates) are requested to communicate their interest in participating and a proposed topic (max. 1 page) to the organizers of the symposium by September 1, 2020.

The specific requirements can be found here.

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