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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 11 Mar 2024 9:01 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    In collaboration with the Bodleian Libraries, the New Chaucer Society supports one or two one month (30 day) research visits by a member of the New Chaucer Society to the Special Collections of the Bodleian Library in the University of Oxford. Applications will be considered from candidates eligible for an Early Career Fellowship on any topic in the study of literature and culture in the age of Chaucer. More information:

  • 9 Mar 2024 1:21 PM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    Florilegium is currently seeking proposals for a special issue devoted to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Middle Ages and in Medieval Studies, to be guest edited by Donna Trembinski and Michael Kightley.

    • The issue is open to non-traditional forms and genres of scholarly publication.
    • The issue will be published in print and open access online.
    • The digital format will adhere to principles of universal design.

    Send any enquiries to and download full CFP here.

  • 23 Feb 2024 6:55 PM | Marc Cels

    The Midwest Conference on British Studies is proud to announce that its 71st Annual Meeting will be held at Toronto Metropolitan University on Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28. 

    The MWCBS seeks papers from scholars in all fields of British Studies, globally and broadly defined to include those who study the British Isles (including Ireland), the British Empire, the Commonwealth, and British engagement with the world, from Roman Britain to the modern age. 

    We welcome scholars from a broad spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to English and literature, history, political science, gender studies, art, and music history. We invite proposals from scholars at all stages of their careers, including independent scholars.  The MWCBS equally welcomes individual paper proposals and proposals for panels (two-four presenters, plus chair and/or commentator), roundtables, poster sessions, and panels featuring the pre-circulation of papers among participants and audience members.  The MWCBS encourages presenters to use H-Albion and the discussion board at the conference blog,, to find additional panelists. If needed, our organization can help to find chairs, commentators, and additional panelists. 

    The MWCBS welcomes proposals that:

    • Present new research on the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the British Isles, the empire, and the Commonwealth

    • Situate literature, the arts, and sciences in a British cultural context
    • Examine representations of British and imperial/Commonwealth national identities, including the construction of identities shaped by race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, gender, and dis/ability
    • Explore new developments in digital humanities, pedagogies, and/or research methodologies
    • Present professional development sessions on collaborative or innovative learning techniques in the British Studies classroom or on topics of research, publication, public outreach, or employment relevant to British Studies scholars

    The MWCBS welcomes presentations by graduate students and will award the Walter L. Arnstein Prize for the best graduate student paper(s) given at the conference. A limited number of Jim Sack Travel Awards will also be available.  All graduate students are encouraged to apply. Further details will be available on the MWCBS website:

    Individual Paper Proposal Requirements:

    • Include a 200-word conference paper abstract.
    • Include a 1-page c.v. for the author.

    Panel Proposal Requirements:

    • Include a 200-word abstract for each paper and a 1-page c.v. for each participant, including chairs and commentators.
    • Include a 200-word abstract for the panel as a whole.
    • Please place the panel abstract, accompanying paper proposals, and vitas in one Word or PDF file and submit it as a single attachment. Also identify, within the e-mail, the panel’s contact person.

    • All proposals should be submitted electronically by May 3, to the Program Committee Chair David Pennington at

    For conference updates and to find fellow panelists, visit the MWCBS website at

  • 15 Feb 2024 12:13 PM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    The Centre for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto, in collaboration with the Dictionary of Old English, invites applications for a Research Associate (Limited Term) for a 3-year(s) appointment.

    The anticipated start date is April 15.

    The Research Associate is expected to collaborate with the work of the DOE, especially by aiding in the process of entry production.

    For more details:

  • 10 Feb 2024 1:50 PM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University invites applications for acluster of four curators to build, interpret, and steward the library’s extraordinary collections inone or more of the following areas of focus:

    • Indigenous history and culture, including North America 
    • European history and culture, pre-1800
    • Caribbean and/or Black Atlantic World
    • Medieval studies
    • U.S. history and culture, especially pre-1900
    • Ethnicity, race, and migration 
    • Gender and sexuality
    • History of science
    • Environmental studies
    • Visual culture, including history of photography

    • Material history, including print culture, book history, and critical bibliography 

    For more information, see 

  • 27 Jan 2024 3:27 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    À partir du 1er mars 2024, les étudiantes et étudiants mediévistes suisses, français, belges et québécois pourront déposer leur dossier de candidature pour le Prix Alma des Jeunes Chercheur.euses.

    Ce prix doit récompenser, chaque année, des travaux de jeunes chercheurs et chercheuses qui se situent à l'intersection de trois disciplines : l'histoire, la littérature et la philosophie. La participation au concours est ouverte à tous les inscrits (toutes les informations nécessaires figurent sur notre site). Pour concourir, il faut être titulaire d'au-moins un M1 ou d'un master, avoir moins de trente ans et ne pas être titulaire d'un doctorat. Le lauréat ou la lauréate recevra 700 dollars canadiens et verra son ouvrage publié en France. 

    Cliquez ici pour plus d'informations:

  • 22 Jan 2024 4:17 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    CSM Online Research Forum / SCM Forum de recherche en ligne

    Saturday Feb. 3 2024 / le samedi 3 février 2024

    1-2:30pm / 13h-1430h HNE


    Christopher Macdonald Hewitt (Wilfrid Laurier University) “Atlas of the Anglo-Norman World”

    Natalie Van Deusen (University of Alberta) “Reading Disease and Disability in the Old Norse-Icelandic Legend of Helena Augusta

    Rasa Mazeika (University of Toronto, Retired) “Description of a past or future project? The Dominican church mentioned in a letter of Gediminas”

    Lucia Denk (Princeton University and Dalhousie University) “Clavis Sequentiarium: Revising, Crowdsourcing, and Maintaining a Database for the Study of Medieval Liturgical Sequences”

    Cornelia Burian (University of Calgary) “A Comparative Study of Horses in the Nibelungenlied and Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival

    If you would like to attend, please e-mail me for the Zoom link or register at and the Zoom link will be sent to to you. Registration is free and the event is open to all interested medievalists.

    Si vous souhaitez y assister, veuillez envoyer un courriel à pour obtenir le lien Zoom, ou inscrivez-vous à  et le lien Zoom vous sera envoyé. L'inscription est gratuite et l'événement est ouvert à tou.te.s les médiévistes intéressé.e.s.

  • 19 Jan 2024 4:47 PM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    A Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1352) in Medieval / Early Modern Studies is available at the Norwegian Institute in Rome, University of Oslo from October 2024.

    The Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship is funded by the Norwegian Institute in Rome and is associated with the Institute’s ongoing research, teaching and outreach. The position is within Medieval and Early Modern Studies in a broad sense, targeting applicants from fields including Art History, Intellectual History, Literature, History, Religious Studies,Theology and similar. Applicants should propose an original, high-quality research project to be carried out during the fellowship. The proposed research project must deal with theme(s) within the time span from the medieval to the early modern period, and geographically within the Mediterranean region, with pronounced relevance to Italy and Rome. The successful applicant will participate in teaching courses in Rome,  and in Oslo if relevant.

    See here for more information:

  • 19 Jan 2024 4:41 PM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    Deadlines: Jan. 22 for Participants

    Feb. 2 for Workshop Leaders

    The Medieval Academy of America’s Mentoring Program Committee is excited to announce the 2024 Summer Research and Professional Development Workshop for PhD-track students. This program is designed to foster the growth of essential skills and mentorship relationships, and improve the educational experiences for graduate students in fields intersecting with Medieval Studies. Our primary goals are to facilitate the development of successful dissertation projects, foster networking and community-building, and improve competitiveness for grants and academic positions.

    See here for more details:

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