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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 17 Mar 2021 8:34 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Le prochain séminaire virtuel en études médiévales « Pour une histoire de l'expérience » (UQÀM, org. Piroska Nagy et Xavier Biron-Ouellet) se tiendra vendredi prochain, 19 mars, à 10h (heures de l'Est). La séance sera consacrée à la conférence d'Alessandro Arcangeli (U. de Vérone) intitulée « Girolamo Cardano and his own dreams: experience and theory in sixteenth-century oneiric culture ». Voici sont les liens pour la réunion zoom ainsi que pour l'accès aux deux textes à lire:

    En préparation à la séance, nous vous invitons à lire ces deux textes :

    • -       Un chapitre (en traduction anglaise) de l’autobiographie de Cardano, lien ici.
    • -       Un chapitre (en traduction italienne) du traité Somniorum Synesiorum, lien ici (et l’original latin, ici)


    L’adresse Zoom pour se joindre au séminaire :

    (sans mot de passe).

    Tant les collègues que les étudiant.e.s des cycles supérieurs (ou pas !) sont bienvenu.e.s pour présenter leurs travaux, lectures, réflexions et participer aux discussions !


    The next virtual seminar in medieval studies "Pour une histoire de l'expérience" (UQÀM, org. Piroska Nagy and Xavier Biron-Ouellet) will be held next Friday, March 19, at 10am (Eastern time). The session will be devoted to the lecture by Alessandro Arcangeli (U. of Verona) entitled "Girolamo Cardano and his own dreams: experience and theory in sixteenth-century oneiric culture". The links to the zoom meeting and to two texts to read in advance are above.

  • 18 Feb 2021 3:26 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Bonjour à tous! 

    Veuillez trouver ci-dessous les informations de connexion pour assister à la conférence de Jean-Michel Roessli (Université Concordia) dans le cadre des Colloquia Ottaviensia intitulée « Sagesse biblique et sagesse philosophique dans la Consolation de Philosophie et dans quelques commentaires médiévaux au chef-d’œuvre de Boèce », qui se tiendra le 26 février à 10 h (HNE). 

    Voici le lien de la conférence sur Zoom :



    Please find below the login information to attend the conference by Jean-Michel Roessli (Concordia University) as part of the Colloquia Ottaviensia entitled “Sagesse biblique et sagesse philosophique dans la Consolation de Philosophie et dans quelques commentaires médiévaux au chef-d’œuvre de Boèce” held on February 26th at 10:00 AM (Eastern Time)

    Here is the link for the meeting on Zoom:

    Au plaisir de vous y voir ! Looking forward to seeing you there!

  • 12 Feb 2021 10:05 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Titre: Lecturer in medieval English language and litterature
    Identifiant de demande de recrutement 16992 - Publié 05/02/2021 - (Enseignement; Chercheur·e) - (Langues; Lettres) - (Temps

    plein) - (Faculté des lettres) - (Corps enseignant)


    UNIL is a leading international teaching and research institution, with over 5,000 employees and 15,500 students split between its Dorigny campus, CHUV and Epalinges. As an employer, UNIL encourages excellence, individual recognition and responsibility.


    The department of English at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lausanne invites applications for the position of fixed-term lecturer in medieval English language and literature.


    Start date: 1 September 2021
    Contract duration: Two-year contract, renewable once only for a total of four years. In the context of academic planning, this post is not intended to be stabilized.
    Employment rate: 100%
    Work place: Lausanne-Dorigny

    Your responsibilities

    • Teaching courses in medieval English language and literature (5 hours a week per semester).

    • Supervision of students, involvement and support in examinations.

    • Carrying out individual research.

    • Carrying out administrative tasks in the department of English and possibly outside of the department depending on level of French.

      Your qualifications

    • A doctorate in medieval English literature (thesis submitted at the time of taking up the position but awarded within five years of the date of the advertisement) and an excellent research profile in old or middle English literature.

    • Teaching experience in medieval English at university level.

    • Postdoctoral research project in progress or ready to start.

    • Working knowledge of French is an advantage.

      What the position offers you

      We offer a nice working place in a multicultural, diverse and dynamic academic environment. Opportunities for professional training, a lot of activities and other benefits to discover.

      Contact for further information

      Please contact Prof. Denis Renevey : Your application

      Application deadline: 28 March 2021

      Please send your full applications in PDF or Word including : a curriculum vitae, a motivation letter, a teaching phylosophy (1 page), copies of your degree certificates, a liste of publication, a succinct description of the research projects (2 pages)

      Only applications sent through this site will be taken into account.

      We thank you for your understanding.

      Additional information

      UNIL is committed to promoting gender equality and diversity and strongly encourages applications from female candidates.

      UNIL supports early career researchers.

  • 3 Feb 2021 3:36 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    The University of Guelph's Dept. of History is seeking an assistant professor who works on medieval/early modern Scottish history. Applications close March 2, 2021. See:

  • 3 Feb 2021 3:25 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Did you publish a book in 2020? If so, submit it for the CSM's Labarge Prize. Applications due Feb. 15, 2021. See for eligibility and submission instructions.

    Avez-vous publié un livre en 2020? Oui? Soumettez-le pour le prix Labarge. Soumissions acceptées jusqu'au 15 février 2021. Voyez les informations ici:

  • 14 Jan 2021 9:14 AM | Marc Cels

    The application for eight arts and humanities PhD studentships with the South, West and Wales Doctoral Training Partnership is 25 January 2021.

    The studentships include several medieval projects.

    For more information, visit the website:

  • 5 Jan 2021 7:15 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Just a reminder that proposals for presentations at June's virtual "Medieval Mondays" conference are due January 15:

  • 4 Jan 2021 10:51 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Just a reminder that submissions for the 2021 Boyle Dissertation Prize are due January 15, 2021. See for submission instructions.

  • 15 Dec 2020 4:13 AM | Kathy Cawsey (Administrator)

    Images of Language in Middle English Vernacular Writings by Kathy Cawsey

    Use promo code BB872 before December 31 2020 to receive your discount

  • 2 Dec 2020 3:54 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    N.B. the deadline for completed applications including references is 31 January 2021.

    University of St Andrews, School of English scholarships 2021-2022

    The JB and Margaret Salmond Principal's PGR Scholarship in Medieval and Renaissance Literature

    The School of English is delighted to announce the creation of a new fully-funded scholarship for PhD entrants, the JB and Margaret Salmond Principal's postgraduate research Scholarship in Medieval and Renaissance Literature. This will cover tuition fees and will provide a maintenance stipend at the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) rate (£15,560 in 2021-2022) for up to four years and is open to all applicants, UK, EU or Overseas. This prestigious scholarship is based on academic merit and has an intended starting date of September 2021.

    More details about the application process are available at:  Applications should be made through the scholarships and funding catalogue. Informal enquiries may be directed to Dr Margaret Connolly via

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