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CFP: Atlantic Medieval and Early Modern Group 2024; proposals due Aug 1st

15 Jul 2024 8:15 AM | Andrew Klein

We welcome submissions for the annual conference of the Atlantic Medieval and Early Modern Group, which will be held at Mount Saint Vincent University on October 4th and 5th , 2024.

There will be a reception and keynote on the evening of October 4th , followed by a full day of panels on October 5th .

Proposals are invited from scholars at all career stages and from all disciplines, including graduate students, early career researchers, precariously employed individuals, and those not in traditional academic employment.

To propose a 20-minute paper on any subject, please submit abstracts of around 300 words.

To propose a panel, roundtable, or workshop, please submit abstracts of around 500 words.

This year, we also welcome proposals for 10-minute introductions to attendees’ research backgrounds and areas of interest. This will give new members, as well those embarking on new and different lines of research, the chance to introduce themselves. It will also give the whole group an opportunity to learn about the exciting work being done in Premodern Studies in Atlantic Canada. Proposals for 10-minute introductions should be around 150 words.

All abstracts should include your name(s) and brief bio(s) and should be sent to Adriana Benzaquén ( and Matthew Roby ( by August 1st , 2024.

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