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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 2 Jun 2023 12:55 PM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    Read the insightful blog post by Erika Dilling (Global Health and the Environment Honours Major, 3rd year at York University) on the our Congress open session organized by Kathy Cawsey, and featuring papers from Matthew Roby, Gavin Foster, Mariah Cooper, and Kathy Cawsey.

  • 1 Jun 2023 6:55 AM | Meredith Bacola
    Are you looking for video content for your Fall courses? Many of the Jesuit Centre's Formations and Reformations in Catholic Thought public talks

     continue to be available through our Youtube channel. Some talks which might be of interest to medievalists are those by Fr. Robert Godding, SJ of the Société des Bollandistes, or CSM/SCM members like Dr. John Osborne or Dr. Donna Trembinski. 

  • 25 Mar 2023 3:14 AM | Anonymous

    The Medieval Studies Research Group (MSRG) at my institution (the University of Lincoln, UK) has recently secured funding for three new doctoral posts as graduate teaching fellows. They are for four years of study, fully funded, with teaching built into the programme, and they are framed around three core areas under the umbrella of Transcending Boundaries in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages’. The three strands have flexibility, and projects on Arthuriana and/or medievalism are featured in the third stream especially. If anyone has any questions or would like to chat about this opportunity, please contact Dr. Renée Ward (

  • 24 Mar 2023 9:05 AM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    I am pleased to share with you the preliminary program for our Annual Conference, which runs May 27-29 at York University in Toronto. You can check out all the details here:

    Remember to register before March 31st to take advantage of the Early Bird Congress rates:


    J'ai le plaisir de partager avec vous le programme préliminaire de notre colloque annuel, qui se tiendra du 27 au 29 mai à l'Université York de Toronto. Vous pouvez consulter tous les détails ici :

    N'oubliez pas de vous inscrire avant le 31 mars pour bénéficier du tarif "Early Bird " :

  • 3 Mar 2023 6:14 AM | Marc Cels

    The CSM/SCM is a member association of the Federation of Humanities and Social Sciences. Follow this link to the Federation's February communique:

    Le CSM/SCM est une association membre de la Fédération des Sciences Humaines et Sociales. Suivez ce lien pour accéder au communiqué de février de la Fédération :

  • 18 Feb 2023 9:44 AM | Brandon Alakas

    The UiB Literature & Religion Research Group is looking for applicants for a 4-year post-doc for researchers working on literature with a religious angle. Any period welcome, but medievalists especially so!

    (or tinyurl: )

    There are also 2 PhD positions and another post-doc connected to 6 other research groups in the department, all of which are 4-yr positions:

    All the positions are well-paid, with good benefits, and reasonable teaching and administration work. 

    The application deadline is 14 March and the positions should start August/Sept.

    Any questions may be directed to Laura Laura Saetveit Miles (

  • 10 Feb 2023 3:14 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    La prochaine conférence du cycle annuel du Centre d’études médiévales de l’Université de Montréal aura lieu lundi prochain, le 13 février, à 16 heures, dans la salle C-3061 du Carrefour des arts et des sciences :


    Gabriele Giannini (Université de Montréal)

    Scriptae, localisations et recueils démembrés


    La conférence peut également être suivie à distance, par le biais de la plateforme Zoom :

  • 9 Feb 2023 1:29 AM | Marc Cels

    Retired Professor Joseph Goering of the University of Toronto's History Department passed away on Feb. 5 2023. He was a distinguished Canadian medievalists who served on the Society's Advisory Board. He is remembered fondly by colleagues and former students. Follow this link for his obituary, details on his funeral (16 Feb.), and a place to share condolences and memories:

  • 16 Jan 2023 7:32 PM | Meredith Bacola

    The Jesuit Centre for Catholic Studies is pleased to virtually host Dr. Donna Trembinski this Wednesday, January 18th at 12:10 pm (CST) for our monthly Formations and Re-formations in Catholic Thought lunch-hour lecture series. Dr. Trembinski will be speaking on "Illness and Authority: Disability in the Life and Lives of Francis of Assisi" so I thought I would extend the invitation to any interested CSM members who want to join! See the poster to register for your zoom link or, if you're unavailable at that time, feel free to watch the recording of the talk on St Paul's College's Youtube channel afterwards.

  • 12 Jan 2023 7:18 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    Remember to send in your proposals for presentations at our annual conference (May 27-29, 2023 at York University, Toronto). They're due Jan. 15 but Jan. 16 is ok too! Send them to

    Nous vous rappelons que les propositions de communications et de sessions pour la réunion annuelle  (27-29 mai 2023 à l'Université York, Toronto) doivent être envoyées le 15 janvier (ou le 16 janvier aussi) à

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