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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

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  • 23 Mar 2017 3:46 PM | Andrew Klein

    The Canadian Society of Medievalists would like to remind scholars of the Margaret Wade Labarge Book Prize.  Submissions for the 2017 Labarge Prize (books published in 2016) should have 3 copies of eligible books sent to the committee chair, Kenna Olsen, to the mail address below by 15 April 2017:

    Dr. Kenna Olsen

    Department of English, Languages, and Cultures

    Mount Royal University

    4825 Mount Royal Gate SW

    Calgary, AB, Canada

    T3E 6K6

    Eligibility:  Any book in the field of medieval studies (including monographs, editions, translations, and other categories as determined by the Prize Committee), authored or co-authored, translated or co-translated, edited or co-edited, etc. (the test being at least 50% participation) by a Canadian or someone resident in Canada. Edited collections of essays are not eligible.

  • 21 Mar 2017 3:47 PM | Andrew Klein

    For the up-to-date program for the 2017 conference, please download the PDF.

    Annual Congress 2017.pdf

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