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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 16 Aug 2019 8:51 AM | Marc Cels

    Congratulations to Nora Thorburn, winner of the 2019 Student Presentation Prize for her paper,  “Pro myrrae troclidite: The influence of material medica substitution lists in medical recipes in the ninth century,” presented at our 2019 Annual Meeting in Vancouver. Nora Thorburn is a student of Nicholas Everett at the University of Toronto's Centre for Medieval Studies. 

  • 2 Aug 2019 11:02 AM | Marc Cels

    Dear All: I am happy to announce that the SMFS Book Committee is accepting submissions for the 2020 First Book of Feminist Scholarship on the Middle Ages. We are soliciting submissions of first monographs in any area of medieval studies. Nominated books should represent the best first monographs of feminist medieval scholarship published AND with a copyright date in 2018 or 2019.

    The prize (an award of $500), will be announced in the spring, and formally awarded at the SMFS reception at the Kalamazoo International Medieval Congress in May of 2018. Self-nominations are acceptable; presses may nominate more than one title.

    Please arrange for TWO copies (preferably paper copies) of each nominated book to be sent to SMFS President, Dr. Linda Mitchell, at the address below, along with a letter of application that summarizes the book’s merits and its contribution to feminist scholarship. The deadline for nominations and receipt of books to be considered is Friday, 18 October 2019.  Please note that if your book is copyrighted for 2020, you should wait for the next iteration of this contest, in two years.

    Please send all submissions (remember: two copies!) to:

    Dr. Linda Mitchell

    7559 Walnut Street

    Kansas City, MO 64114


    If you have an e-book version of your book available to send, please make sure that it can be duplicated so that everyone on the committee is able to read the book, and that it is not owner- or password-protected.  Please also remember that sending proofs of a book that is as yet unpublished might be a violation of copyright law, so if that is what you have available, you must check with the publisher to make sure that the use of the proofs for the purposes of the prize contest is acceptable to them. Please also note that the SMFS Advisory Board’s Book Committee has limited numbers of members with fluency in (modern) languages other than English, so if you are interested in submitting a monograph in a language other than English please do send a query BEFORE sending the book so that we can see if we have members available to read and assess it.

    Thank you for your consideration,

    Linda E. Mitchell, PhD

    Martha Jane Phillips Starr Missouri Distinguished Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies

    Professor of History

    Past Chair, UMKC Faculty Senate

    President, Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship

    Cockefair Hall 223A

    816-235-5728 ext. 5

  • 18 Jul 2019 8:30 PM | Anonymous

    Each year the Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire offers the Linda F. Dietz Prize — $500 and publication of the winning article. The Linda F. Dietz prize is awarded to the best submission written in either French or English by a Canadian graduate student. The article must incorporate original research and meet the scholarly standards of the CJH/ACH. There are no chronological or geographical limits on the content; we welcome submissions from all fields of historical study. Submissions are assessed by the editor to evaluate eligibility prior to double-blind peer review.

    Deadline: August 15

    Chaque année, la revue Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire décerne le prix Linda F. Dietz : 500$ et la publication de l’article choisi. Le prix Linda F. Dietz est attribué au meilleur article écrit en français ou en anglais par un étudiant canadien ou une étudiante canadienne dans un programme de maîtrise ou de doctorat. L'article doit incorporer de la recherche originale qui satisfait aux normes savantes du CJH/ACH. Le contenu des articles ne sera limité ni chronologiquement, ni géographiquement. Nous invitons des soumissions portant sur tous les domaines de l'histoire. Avant d'être jugés en double aveugle par un comité des pairs, les articles seront évalués par le rédacteur pour vérifier leur admissibilité.

    Date limite: 15 août

    Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d’histoire
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  • 24 Jun 2019 7:29 AM | Marc Cels

    Viking Days at the Danish Canadian Museum, 17- 18 August 2019, 10:00am to 5:00 PM daily, near Dickson, Alberta (90 minutes from Calgary).

  • 24 Jun 2019 7:27 AM | Marc Cels

    Vikings: Beyond the Legend. April 18 - October 20, 2019. Exhibition at the Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton.

  • 18 Jun 2019 8:29 AM | Anonymous

    Dear Members,

    A notice recently went out from the CSM/SCM that yearly membership fees are now due (as of June 15, 2019) for the academic year 2019-20. This notice may have gone to your spam folder, so please do check!


    Andrew Klein

    CSM Webmaster

  • 10 Jun 2019 9:28 AM | Kathy Cawsey (Administrator)

    Statement from the President of the Canadian Society of Medievalists 

    In response to the experience of a colleague from Acadia University and a member of the Black Canadian Studies Association (BCSA) at the recent meetings of Congress held at UBC, the Canadian Society of Medievalists publicly states our support for colleagues in the BCSA. As medievalists, we are aware of the long history of violence towards and oppression of minority groups. We held a roundtable on racism at Congress to discuss racism both within the field of medieval studies and within the academy and society as a whole, along with the steps we can take to begin to address it. We are working towards, and hereby renew our commitment to, greater diversity and equity in medieval studies and within Canadian academia as a whole.

    Déclaration du président de la Société canadienne des Médiévistes

    En réponse à l’expérience d’un collègue de l’Université d’Acadia et d’un membre de l’Association d’études canadiennes noires (BCSA) lors des récentes réunions au Congrès qui s’est tenu à l’UBC, la Société canadienne des Médiévistes voudrait indiquer publiquement notre soutien aux collègues du BCSA. En tant que médiévistes, nous sommes conscients de la longue histoire de violence envers et d’oppression des minorités. Nous avons organisé une table ronde sur le racisme au Congrès pour discuter le racisme dans le domaine des études médiévales, tant au sein de l’académie et les mesures que nous pouvons prendre pour commencer à le résoudre. Nous le travaillons vers et renouvellera notre engagement pour une plus grande diversité et équité en études médiévales et au sein du milieu universitaire canadien dans son ensemble.

  • 22 May 2019 10:44 AM | Anonymous

    Canadian Medievalists,

    Dalhousie University's Department of English has funding available to make offers to one or two more MA candidates. You can find out about our program here: If you have promising medieval undergraduates (GPA 3.7 in English or higher), please encourage them to apply to Pamela Decker,

    If you want to find out more about our program, faculty, Dalhousie, or Nova Scotia, please feel free to contact Dr. Kathleen Cawsey (

  • 29 Mar 2019 2:15 PM | Kristin Bourassa

    This event, taking place at Library and Archives Canada, 395 Wellington St, Ottawa on Wednesday, April 3, 7:00-9:00 pm with reception to follow, is offered in collaboration with the Concordia Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies.

    In 1519, printer and Christian Hebraist Daniel Bomberg began the monumental task of printing the 44 treatises of the Talmud, becoming the first to do so. It remains the model for all subsequent editions printed to this day. The printing of the Bomberg Talmud is a significant event in the history of printing, on par with the printing of the Gutenberg or Luther Bibles. 

    This event will feature a keynote lecture by Dr. Bruce E. Nielsen, the Judaica Public Services Librarian & Archivist at the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania. He is recognized worldwide as a leading expert on the Bomberg Talmud. Complementing the lecture will be a series of short talkbacks that lead into a round-table discussion with a diverse range of scholars.

    Scholars giving talkbacks include Dr. Norma Joseph (Concordia University), a specialist in women and religion who will provide a feminist reflection on the legacy of the Talmud; and Dr. Pierre Anctil (University of Ottawa), who will speak to the textual tradition of the Talmud in Canada, as the 500th anniversary of the first full Talmud printing is also the 100th anniversary of the first Talmud printed in Canada.

    Seating is limited, so please register by March 29, 2019. For more information about this event, email See also the event page on the Library and Archives Canada website, here.

  • 22 Mar 2019 4:04 PM | Marc Cels

    Congratulations to our colleagues at the British Library and The Polonsky Foundation for their new website.

    This curated selection explores medieval manuscripts that were digitised as part of The Polonsky Foundation England and France Project: Manuscripts from the British Library and the Bibliothèque nationale de France, 700–1200. Discover stunning highlights of illuminated manuscripts set in their cultural and historical context and explored in a range of articles.

    All of the 800 manuscripts digitised in the project are included in full on the website France et Angleterre: manuscrits médiévaux entre 700 et 1200 where you can view manuscripts side by side, and find manuscripts by date, language, place of origin, author or subject.



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