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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 30 Aug 2022 8:00 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    The Hagiography Society has awarded their 2022 Book Prize to the CSM's own Donna Trembinski, Associate Professor of History at St. Francis Xavier University for her book Illness and Authority: Disability in the Life and Lives of Francis of Assisi (University of Toronto Press, 2020). Congratulations, Donna!

    La Hagiography Society a décerné son prix du livre 2022 à Donna Trembinski, professeur associé d'histoire à l'Université St. Francis Xavier, pour son livre Illness and Authority : Disability in the Life and Lives of Francis of Assisi (University of Toronto Press, 2020). Félicitations, Donna!


  • 26 Aug 2022 2:43 PM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Emma-Catherine Wilson, winner of the 2022 M. Jane Toswell Student Presentation Award. Ms Wilson, who recently completed her MA at the University of Ottawa, presented a paper at this year’s Mardis Médiévaux entitled, “Translatio Studii et Imperii: English Cultural Politics during the Hundred Years War.” She is off to Oxford this fall to begin a PhD.

    Photo of Emma-Catherine WilsonFélicitations à Emma-Catherine Wilson, lauréate du Prix de presentation étudiante M. Jane Toswell 2022. Mme Wilson, qui a récemment terminé sa maîtrise à l'Université d'Ottawa, a présenté une communication lors des Mardis médiévaux 2022 intitulée " Translatio Studii et Imperii : English Cultural Politics during the Hundred Years War". Elle se rendra à Oxford cet automne pour commencer un doctorat.

  • 23 Aug 2022 7:57 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    Dr. Hannah Kirby Wood's dissertation, "Intersections of Voluntary and Involuntary Poverty: The Friars and the Lay Indigent in Late Medieval England, 1221-c. 1430" (University of Toronto, 2021), was awarded an honourable mention for the CSM's Leonard Boyle Prize for best dissertation in Medieval Studies for 2022.

    Dr. Wood’s dissertation addresses an important topic in a wonderful, interesting and wide-ranging way. Thanks to her, the development of voluntary poverty at the end of the Middle Ages must now be considered through the opposed prism of impoverishment of a part of society, social, theological and cultural History in a same spectrum of analysis.

    Congratulations to Dr. Wood!

    La thèse de Hannah Kirby Wood, "Intersections of Voluntary and Involuntary Poverty : The Friars and the Lay Indigent in Late Medieval England, 1221-c. 1430" (University of Toronto, 2021), a reçu une mention honorable pour le Prix Leonard Boyle du CSM pour la meilleure dissertation en études médiévales pour 2022.

    La dissertation de Mme Wood aborde un sujet important d'une manière merveilleuse, intéressante et de grande envergure. Grâce à elle, le développement de la pauvreté volontaire à la fin du Moyen Âge doit désormais être considéré à travers le prisme opposé de l'appauvrissement d'une partie de la société, de l'histoire sociale, théologique et culturelle dans un même spectre d'analyse.

    Félicitations à Dr Wood !

  • 23 Aug 2022 7:50 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    Stephanie Lahey has been awarded the Leonard Boyle Dissertation Prize for 2022 for her dissertation "Offcut Zone Parchment in Manuscript Codices from Later Medieval England" (University of Victoria, 2021).

    Victoria, University of Victoria, McPherson Library, Special Collections and University Archives, Doc.Brown.2Not only is Stephanie Lahey’s dissertation a very important and ambitious piece of scholarship – in the noblest sense of the word – but it is also vividly written, cohesive and powerfully imaginative. Its range of applications is thorough and will impact medieval sciences in the years to come and most probably encourage more research on the materiality of written knowledge. The committee members fully agree with the opinion of the external examiner that the dissertation is ready to go to print and should be published as soon as possible. If Dr. Lahey is interested in an academic position, it will no doubt be the beginning of a tremendous career.

    Congratulations to Dr. Lahey!

    Stephanie Lahey a reçu le prix Leonard Boyle pour 2022 pour sa dissertation "Offcut Zone Parchment in Manuscript Codices from Later Medieval England" (University of Victoria, 2021).

    Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Hatton 111, f. 235rLa thèse de Stephanie Lahey est non seulement un travail d'érudition très important et ambitieux - dans le sens le plus noble du terme - mais elle est également rédigée de manière vivante, cohérente et puissamment imaginative. Son éventail d'applications est complet et aura un impact sur les sciences médiévales dans les années à venir et encouragera très probablement d'autres recherches sur la matérialité du savoir écrit. Les membres du comité partagent entièrement l'avis de l'examinateur externe selon lequel la thèse est prête à être imprimée et devrait être publiée dès que possible. Si le Dr Lahey est intéressée par un poste universitaire, ce sera sans aucun doute le début d'une formidable carrière.

    Félicitations à Dr Lahey !

  • 23 Aug 2022 7:43 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    The 2022 Margaret Wade Labarge Prize for best book in Medieval Studies was awarded to Kathryn Kerby-Fulton for her book The Clerical Proletariat and the Resurgence of Medieval English Poetry (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021). 

    Photo of Kathryn Kerby-Fulton

    In a masterful, paradigm-shifting study, Kathryn Kerby-Fulton delivers new insights about the importance to late medieval English poetry of the "invisible" medieval clerics in minor orders without benefices or established positions, the adjuncts of their time. This "clerical proletariat" lived and worked between the ecclesiastical and lay worlds. Underemployed and overeducated, their reaction to precarious working conditions and adversity exerted a transformational influence on medieval English literature and helped re-establish English as the dominant language of literary expression. In a field where so much has already been written, Kerby-Fulton refreshingly reorients the approach to lesser-known poets through this stellar example of historical literary criticism.

    Congratulations to Dr. Kerby-Fulton! The committee thanks all the authors who submitted books for consideration. They provided the committee with ample and interesting reading, and their work is testimony to the excellent contributions of Canadians to research fields of the Middle Ages.

    Le prix Margaret Wade Labarge 2022 du meilleur livre en études médiévales a été attribué à Kathryn Kerby-Fulton pour son livre The Clerical Proletariat and the Resurgence of Medieval English Poetry (Philadelphie : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021). Dans une étude magistrale, qui change de paradigme, Kathryn Kerby-Fulton offre de nouvelles perspectives sur l'importance pour la poésie anglaise de la fin du Moyen Âge des clercs médiévaux "invisibles" des ordres mineurs sans bénéfices ni positions établies, les adjuvants de leur temps. Ce "prolétariat clérical" vivait et travaillait entre le monde ecclésiastique et le monde laïc. Sous-employés et suréduqués, leur réaction aux conditions de travail précaires et à l'adversité a exercé une influence transformatrice sur la littérature anglaise médiévale et a contribué à rétablir l'anglais comme langue d'expression littéraire dominante. Dans un domaine où tant de choses ont déjà été écrites, Kerby-Fulton réoriente de façon rafraîchissante l'approche des poètes moins connus grâce à cet excellent exemple de critique littéraire historique.

    Félicitations à Mme Kerby-Fulton ! Le comité remercie tous les auteurs qui ont soumis des livres pour examen. Ils ont fourni au comité une lecture abondante et intéressante, et leur travail témoigne de l'excellente contribution des Canadiens aux domaines de recherche du Moyen Âge.

  • 19 Aug 2022 8:11 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)

    Once a year the Max Weber Foundation (MWS) confers Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants to academics in the qualification phase with an international focus. 

    The travel grants are meant to improve the career opportunities for humanities and social science academics in their qualification phase. The scientists conduct a self-chosen research project in at least two and at most three host countries which are home to MWS institutes and branches or at the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History (for a list of the host countries please see "Countries and regions", please also note the current notice here). The total term of funding shall not exceed three months. Placements (at most one month per host country, shorter stays are possible) are to be used for research, especially in libraries and archives. Academics are expected to produce transnational and transregional studies, providing research with new and original ideas. The research placements should ideally be completed within 12 months, or at most 24. 

    The next deadline for applications is 7 October 2022. 


    Funding is based on the rates of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and covers: 

    documented travel costs for travel to the foreign institute and back (least expensive route); 
    daily rates between € 28.00 and € 62.00 depending on the host country;
    lodging in one of the institute’s inexpensive guest rooms depending on the host country chosen and on availability. 

    Countries and Regions 

    Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, Lithuania, Poland, Singapore, Turkey, USA 

    When planning the travel, the continuously updated information from the authorities, in particular from the Robert Koch Institute, and the relevant travel information from the Federal Foreign Office must be observed. The travels are at the recipients of Feldman travel grants own responsibility. Depending on the situation, the start of the travel can be postponed. 

    Applications for the country of the applicant’s main place of residence will not be considered. 

    Research placements in Germany are only eligible for funding if the recipient plans at least two more stays at the foreign institutes or the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History. 

    Please note: Due to the current situation, it is not possible to apply for travel grants for Russia and China this year. 

    Conditions for Application 

    Applications may be filed by highly qualified humanities and social science academics of any nationality (highest degree must be at least a Master, M.A., state examination or German Diplom) who have already published and can present a research plan. Applications for projects related to research priorities pursued by the Foundation’s institutes/branches will take precedence. 

    The selection criteria are: 

    Academic excellence
    Transnational and/or comparative topic
    Submitted project contributes to further academic qualification 

    A re-application is only possible if this has been explicitly stated in the rejection letter. 

    Employees and scholarship holders of the MWS are excluded from the application process. 

    Application Papers 

    All application papers must be submitted in German or English. A complete application will comprise the following information: 

    completed application form;
    a detailed presentation of the intended research project (max. 3–5 pages), stating the sources which justify the stay in the specific host countries or at the institutes;
    copies of certificates (examinations, PhD certificate);
    list of publications;
    reference opinion from an expert which should provide information on the applicant’s status and the progress of work and be sent from the reviewer by e-mail ( directly to the Max Weber Foundation’s central office;
    letter confirming supervision by the host institution in Germany, if applicable. 


    Please e-mail your application by using the required form to 


    Information on how to send your application data to us in encrypted form can be found here: 

    The deadline for applications is 7 October 2022. 

    The selection committee is expected to meet at the beginning of December 2022. The grants can be called forward from January 2023. 

    Contact Info: 

    Max Weber Stiftung
    Marlene Janicijevic (Veranstaltungen, Wissenschaftskommunikation) E-Mail:
    Tel. +49 (228) 377 86-16 

  • 19 Aug 2022 8:08 AM | Shannon McSheffrey (Administrator)


    The Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice offers 11 residential scholarships1 to PhD students and post doc students who must not be over 40 years old on June 30, 2022, interested in spending two consecutive months in Venice at the Vittore Branca International Center for the Study of Italian Culture between January and December 2023.

    The project is part of the initiatives shared with the Veneto Region l.r. 24/2021.
    10 scholarships will be granted to interdisciplinary research projects in the field of Humanities.

    1 scholarship will be granted to digitization-related research projects.

    Ten residential scholarships are offered, within the interdisciplinary context that characterizes the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice to Italian and International scholars wishing to further their studies of Italian culture – especially that of the Veneto – in one of the following fields: art history, Venetian history, literature, music, drama, early printed books and comparative cultures and spiritualities. One residential scholarship will be specifically devoted to research projects focused on digitization topics that will take place at ARCHiVe.

    – Download the scholarship announcement –


  • 27 Jun 2022 6:18 PM | K. Whetter

    Pfaff @ 50 (+2...): Celebrating 50 years of New Liturgical Feasts—1 & 2 July 2022: online registration is free!

    In 1970, Richard W. Pfaff’s New Liturgical Feasts in Later Medieval England fundamentally changed the way humanities scholars thought and wrote about English religious development in the long fifteenth century. ‘Pfaff at Fifty’ aims to take stock of the enduring legacy of New Liturgical Feasts by reconsidering the important questions that this touchstone book raised. (Of course, the conference was to have been held in July 2020 to mark the 50th anniversary of Dr Pfaff's touchstone work. Obviously, something came up.)

    All information can be found at:


    Registration is currently open for in-person attendance (the expense covers the costs for refreshments, lunches, a reception, and the conference dinner; no real registration fee, per se); online attendance--likely the preference for most U of T and PIMS folks--is gratis, and the links for the two days of (MS Teams) seminars will be posted to the site ASAP.

    The conference also features the 2022 Medium Aevum Annual Lecture, which this year will be delivered by Dr Ryan Perry (Kent). The lecture is titled ‘Middle English Books of Devotion and Liturgical Privatisation in Fifteenth-century England’. More info is available here. And folks can register directly for the livestream here.

    For anyone who works on liturgy in England or liturgy in the later Middle Ages, Richard Pfaff's work is integral. Our conference is meant to pay a small tribute to his immense contribution to our many fields. We would be honoured if you could join us.

    Stay well,

    K.S. Whetter for Ben Barootes and Rob Lutton

  • 18 May 2022 1:27 PM | Marc Cels

    Dear CSM-SCM Members,

    The first Mardi médiéval starts Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 11:25 AM (ET). The zoom codes were sent from today to members who have registered. If you registered but did not receive the codes, please check your spam box.

    Marc B. Cels, President


    Chers membres du CSM-SCM,

    Le premier Mardi médiéval commence mardi 24 mai 2022 à 11:25 AM (ET). Les codes de Zoom ont été envoyés par aujourd'hui aux membres qui se sont inscrits. Si vous vous êtes inscrit mais n'avez pas reçu les codes, veuillez vérifier votre boîte de courrier indésirable.

    Marc B. Cels, Président

  • 13 May 2022 2:20 PM | Siobhain Calkin (Administrator)

    “Mardis Médiévaux” is happening on Zoom on May 24 and 31, and June 7 and 14,but you need to register to get the Zoom Codes! Registration is free for Members: just send an e-mail to by May 17! For the full programme, see:

    "Mardis Médiévaux" se déroule sur Zoom les 24 et 31 mai et les 7 et 14 juin, mais vous devez vous inscrire pour recevoir les codes de Zoom! L'inscription est gratuite pour les membres de la SCM: Envoyez un courriel pour vous inscrire à avant le 17 mai! Le programme complet est disponible ici :

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