Janet Ericksen (University of Minnesota Morris)
When and Where
Thursday April 17, 2025, 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Centre for Medieval Studies, 125 Queen's Park, 3rd Floor, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C7
And virtually via Zoom
The Toronto Old English Colloquium welcomes Janet Ericksen, Chancellor and Professor of English at the University of Minnesota Morris for a lecture entitled Reading the Gaps in MS Junius 11.
1 pm Lunch (Great Hall)
2:30-4:30 pm Lecture: Janet Ericksen, Reading the Gaps in MS Junius 11 (Great Hall)
Abstract: The pages of the book now catalogued as Oxford, Bodleian Library manuscript Junius 11 present multiple formats to readers, including completed illustrations integrated with text in the Genesis section, abundant unfinished spaces in its middle portions, and predominantly text-only pages in Christ and Satan. The completed illustrations create a complex interweaving of visual and textual narratives that asks for careful navigation, while the unfinished spaces, rather than representing mere deficits, may have enhanced meditative reading of the sort encouraged by monastic training. The manuscript’s combination of illustration, blank space, and text distinguishes it from other surviving Old English manuscripts, and the varying page layouts would have facilitated different types of reading engagement. The gaps—the unillustrated, unwritten spaces—reveal more than they leave out.
Reception to follow
Contact Information
Renée Trilling (renee.trilling@utoronto.ca)
Fabienne Michelet (fabienne.michelet@utoronto.ca)
Centre for Medieval Studies (medieval.communications@utoronto.ca)
· Department of English
· Centre for Medieval Studies