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MS 61, fol 1v, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

News and Announcements

  • 14 Oct 2018 5:32 PM | Brandon Alakas
    "Topographies of Interiority: Medieval Representation"

    Calling for papers on topological representations of interiority in medieval literature. Since the “spatial turn” in the humanities and social sciences, the novel and modern incarnations of the lyric poem have been the focal texts of spatial approaches. Medieval representations of space and place present a challenge of alterity since as they do not confirm modern expectations of isometry, mimesis, or "accurate" mapping. Nevertheless, the pre-cartographic imagination of medieval cultures is not simplistic or monolithic, but present the modern reader with a different series of preoccupations and configurations. These preoccupations are enveloped in the diction of the soul and passions, but necessitate a two-way confluence and construction of the exterior world:

     Some topics might include:

    • The employment or negation of place/space in the writings associated with mysticism
    • The division of “the world” as an enemy of the soul, with "nature," "creation," or "the universe" as redeemable and/or distinct(?) categories
    • The topologies of love and/or grief
    • Spatial mnemonics and Memoria
    • Dreamscapes
    • Humoral influence in different spaces
    • Medieval Maps/mapping and cosmological analogy
    • Pilgrimage, exploration and interior resonances

    Send paper proposals to by December 10
  • 9 Oct 2018 1:57 PM | Brandon Alakas

    Call for Papers - PCDP 2019: Fairies and the Fantastic

    February 22-23, 2019

    The Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the Ohio State University invites abstracts and panel proposals on the topic of Fairies and the Fantastic.  The submission deadline is October 31, 2018.  In the Prologue to Chaucer’s Wife of Bath’s Tale, the narrator reminisces about a time when the land was full of fairies and the Elf Queen danced merrily on the green.  In the centuries since Chaucer, fairies, far from disappearing, have lived on in the popular imagination and its creations.  This conference is especially interested in Fairies and the Fantastic in the broadly conceived Medieval and Renaissance periods, but it also invites papers that look back to earlier examples of fairy belief or that explore the uses of fairies in later popular culture.  All approaches are welcome, from literary, artistic, cinematic, and gaming analyses, to historical and cultural investigations.  We also encourage papers with broad geographical scope that examine the ‘presence’ of fairies outside Western Europe--in Scandinavia, Persia, and other parts of the world.

    Twenty-minute papers will be organized thematically into two-hour sessions of four papers each, ranging across two days. Submissions for entire sessions are welcome, in which case a session title and abstract should be submitted, along with individual paper titles and abstracts from the different presenters.

    Abstracts for sessions and individual papers should be limited to 250 words.

    Please submit them along with any questions to

    In keeping with the spirit of past PCDP events, the academic conference will be part of a broader ‘carnival’ of events and activities, including food- and culture-ways demonstrations; exhibits of artwork, books, and manuscripts; combat; gaming; and Cosplay.  We welcome proposals for non-academic presentations and activities.

    Keynote address: Chris Woodyard, “The Many Roads to Fairyland”

  • 24 Sep 2018 10:15 AM | Brandon Alakas

    The Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies at Durham University is seeking applications for the post of ZKS Lendrum Priory Library Junior Research Fellow

    This post is full-time and fixed term for 12 months commencing 1 January 2019.

    The ZKS Lendrum Priory Library Junior Research Fellowship is located in the Institute of Medieval and Early Modern Studies. IMEMS is one of the largest, most diverse and dynamic centres of medieval and early modern studies in the world, bringing together over eighty members of permanent academic staff, plus many postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers, from all three faculties of the University. Archaeology, English, History and Modern Languages are particularly well-represented among its members, but the Institute has a specific brief to encourage and support links across disciplines and inter- and multi-disciplinary research initiatives.

    Generous grants from the Zeno Karl Schindler Foundation and Chris & Margaret Lendrum make it possible to offer this Fellowship. The appointed Fellow will be known as the ZKS Lendrum Priory Library Fellow. Applications are invited for this Assistant Professor (Research) Junior Research Fellowship on any aspect of the physical and digitised collections of Durham Priory Library, including their origin, manufacture, content, decoration, and history of the texts. The successful applicant will be expected to engage actively in the academic life of the Institute and of the Durham Priory Library Recreated project, which is a collaboration between Durham University and Durham Cathedral. The project is digitising the substantial collection of medieval manuscripts and early-printed books from the Cathedral’s original Priory Library, which date from the sixth century onwards.

    It is anticipated that interviews will be held 7 November 2018.

    Closes midday on 30-Sep-2018


    For more information and to apply click here

  • 24 Sep 2018 8:22 AM | Brandon Alakas

    Tenure Track Assistant Professor of English in Medieval Literature & Culture, with expertise in race/ethnicity. Department of English.

    Saint Louis University is a research university. Attractions include 2:2 load, amazing library holdings, the Vatican Film Library, the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, several Latin reading groups, medievalist colleagues in English, German, Art History, History, Theology, and Philosophy, medievalists in the St Louis area, and a university with a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion.

    (see our Clock Tower Accords…/ke…/diversity/clock-towers-accords.php).

  • 3 Sep 2018 9:09 AM | Anonymous

    CSM President’s note

    Hello Canadian Medievalists,

    Well, Labour Day is upon us and the fluster and flurry of a new teaching term has arrived. You will all have received Scrinium in your email boxes, so if you weren’t at Congress, you will know that I am the new CSM President (joined by Dominic Marner as Past President, Marc Cels as Vice President, Meredith Bacola as the indispensable Secretary/Treasurer ... as well as the even-more-indispensable Andrew Klein as webmaster, Christa Canitz and Sebastien Rossignol as Florilegium editors, Brandon Alakas, Kristin Bourassa, and Stephanie Lahey as social media co-ordinators, and various members of the Board and prize chairs). I am only realizing as I type what a great, and extensive, team of people there are in the CSM. Many thanks go to the people stepping down, especially to David Watt as Past President.

    First, an apology – I’m sorry I couldn’t make it to Congress this year. This is what I was doing instead:

    (Rievaulx Abbey)

    I hope you all had a good summer and are ready for the fall. Send me information about your research and projects you’re involved in. We know that Canadian Medievalists are doing exciting things, but Canadians are a modest bunch, and too often we only find out what other medievalists are doing by accident. Send photos we can post too.

    Have a great back-to-school season!

    Veuillez m’excuser pour écrire en Anglais seulement.

  • 3 Sep 2018 6:00 AM | Anonymous

    vol. XXII issue 2 (automne/fall 2018)


    2018 Annual Meeting in Regina: Recap

    Canadian medievalists flocked to the lakeside campus of the University of Regina for our annual meeting May 28-30, during Congress 2018. Allison Fizzard, Dean of Campion College, took care of local arrangements under the big Saskatchewan sky. Our meeting included a tour of the impressive collection of rare books and manuscripts kept at Athol Murray College of Notre Dame, the renowned hockey boarding school in Wilcox. Papers on medieval history and literature, as well as medievalism and film studies filled our sessions. Several sessions were hosted jointly with the Scandinavian Studies Society. Thomas Dubois (University of Wisconsin at Madison) presented an insightful and timely plenary lecture on Nordic sacred spaces. Past President David Watts presented an expansive vision for manuscript studies in Canada. Conversation and conviviality continued at the Bushwacker brewpub Tuesday night and at our society banquet Wednesday night at the Grille. Many medievalists also attended sessions sponsored by other learned societies, as well as at Congress’s public talks and events. These included a spirited concert by Buffy Sainte-Marie.

    During our business meeting, our society’s prizes were awarded. The Margaret Wade Labarge Book Prize went to Shannon McSheffrey (Concordia) for Seeking Sanctuary: Crime, Mercy, and Politics in English Courts, 1400-1550 (Oxford, 2017). The prize committee noted that it’s “engaging and accessible nature makes it an essential book to read alongside … contemporary discussions [of sanctuary cities].” The Leonard Boyle Dissertation Prize was given to Kenneth Duggan (Vancouver Island U.) for “Communal Justice in Thirteenth-Century England,” King’s College, University of London (2017). The prize committee praised Duggan for “a superb command over an exceptionally large—and challenging—body of primary documentation … His interpretations of the documents go against the grain of prevailing scholarship in this field, and he derives exemplary and highly original conclusions from them.”  The Student Presentation Prize was awarded to Stephanie Lahey (University of Victoria) for “Professional Pages, Done Dirt Cheap: On the Genre of English Offcut Manuscripts.” Congratulations to our prizewinners, and many thanks to the members of each prize committee.

    Our incoming president is Kathleen Cawsey (Dalhousie), joined by a new vice-president, Marc B. Cels (Athabasca). Dominic Marne (U. of Guelph) becomes past president, and Meredith Baccola (U. of Manitoba) remains our secretary-treasurer. Jacqueline Murray, Allison Fizzard, Alison More, and Christine Eckholst joined incumbents on the Advisory Board: Michael Kightley, Brandon Alakas, Michael Treschow and Jessica Legacy.


    Réunion annuelle de 2018 à Régina : récapitulation

    Les médiévistes du Canada se sont retrouvés au campus lacustre de l’Université de Régina pour leur rencontre annuelle, les 28-30 mai, à l’occasion du Congrès de 2018. Allison Fizzard, doyenne du Collège Campion, était responsable de l’organisation locale sous le grand ciel de Saskatchewan. Une visite de l’impressionnante collection de livres rares et de manuscrits conservés au Athol Murray College of Notre Dame, le renommé pensionnat de hockey à Wilcox, était au programme. Les sessions comprenaient des communications en histoire et littérature ainsi qu’en médiévalisme et en étude de films. Plusieurs sessions ont eu lieu en collaboration avec la Société d’études scandinaves. Thomas Dubois (Université du Wisconsin à Madison) a donné une conférence plénière perspicace et opportune sur les espaces sacrés nordiques. L’ancien président, David Watts, a présenté de manière éloquente sa vision pour l’étude des manuscrits au Canada. Les conversations et la convivialité ont continué à la brasserie Bushwacker mardi soir et au banquet de notre société mercredi soir au Grille. Plusieurs médiévistes se sont aussi rendus à des sessions organisées par d’autres associations ainsi qu’aux causeries et autres événements publics. Parmi ces derniers, on notera le concert énergique de Buffy Sainte-Marie.

    Les gagnants de nos prix ont été annoncés lors de la réunion administrative. Le Prix de livre Margaret Wade Labarge a été décerné à Shannon McSheffrey (Concordia) pour Seeking Sanctuary: Crime, Mercy, and Politics in English Courts, 1400-1550 (Oxford, 2017). Le comité du prix a noté que sa « nature engagée et accessible en fait un livre essentiel à lire dans le contexte (…) des discussions actuelles [sur les villes sanctuaires] ». Le Prix de thèse Leonard Boyle est allé à Kenneth Duggan (Université de l’Île de Vancouver) pour « Communal Justice in Thirteenth-Century England », King’s College, Université de Londres (2017). Le comité du prix a fait l’éloge de Duggan pour « une maîtrise superbe d’un corpus de sources exceptionnellement abondantes – et difficiles (…). Son interprétation des documents va à l’encontre des tendances dominantes dans son champ d’études et il en tire des conclusions extrêmement originales ». Le Prix de communication étudiante a été décerné à Stephanie Lahey (Université de Victoria) pour « Professional Pages, Done Dirt Cheap : On the Genre of English Offcut Manuscripts ». Félicitations à nos récipiendaires et un grand merci aux membres de chaque comité.

    Notre nouvelle présidente est Kathleen Cawsey (Dalhousie), à laquelle se joint un nouveau vice-président, Marc B. Cels (Athabasca). Dominic Marner (Université de Guelph) est maintenant l’ancien président et Meredith Baccola (Université du Manitoba) conserve le poste de secrétaire-trésorière. Jacqueline Murray, Allison Fizzard, Alison More et Christine Eckholst joignent le conseil consultatif, complétant le groupe formé par Michael Kightley, Brandon Alakas, Michael Treschow et Jessica Legacy.

    Congress 2019 – Call for Papers

    Canadian Society of Medievalists Annual Meeting

    Congrès 2019 – Appel à communicationsRencontre annuelle de la

    Société Canadienne des Médiévistes

    3-5 June/juin 2019
    Vancouver, B.C./C.-B.


    The special theme for this year’s Congress is “Circles of Conversation,” but papers for the CSM Annual Meeting can address any topic on medieval studies. Proposals for sessions of three papers are also invited. Presentations may be in either English or French. Bilingual sessions are particularly welcome.

    Proposals should include a one-page abstract and a one-page curriculum vitae. Papers should be no more than 20 minutes' reading time. Proposals for complete sessions should include this information in addition to a title and a brief explanation of the session and its format. Please indicate if the proposed session would be suitable as a joint session with another learned society.

    Please submit proposals for individual papers by December 15, 2018 and proposals for sessions by January 15, 2019 by email to Kathy Cawsey, either by regular email ( or via our website’s email system ( You must be a member of the CSM by the time of your presentation.


    Le thème du Congrès decette année est « Cercles de conversation ».  Les communications à ce congrèsannuel de la SCM peuvent toutefois traiter de tout sujet relatif aux études médiévales. L'invitation est également lancée pour des propositions de sessions entières. Les communications peuvent être données en français ou en anglais.  Lessessions bilingues sont particulièrement bienvenues.

    Lespropositions de communications devront inclure un résumé et un curriculumvitae d'une page chacun. La durée de lecture maximale des communicationsdevra être de 20 minutes. Les propositions de sessions entières devront inclure,outre les informations régulières, un titre et une courte explication ducontenu de la session et de son format. Veuillez indiquer si la sessionproposée serait convenable pour une session commune avec une autre associationsavante. Prière de soumettrevos propositions au plus tard le 15 décembre2018 pour des communications individuelles et le 15 janvier 2019 pour des sessions entières, par courriel à KathyCawsey ( par le courriel de notre site, devrez être un membre en règle de la SCM au moment de votre communication.


    Call for Submissions

    Florilegium invites article submissions in any field of medieval studies; papers taking an interdisciplinary approach are especially welcome.  Manuscripts (in MS Word) should be sent to the Editor, Dr. A. E. Christa Canitz, at <>. Submissions are refereed double-blind by international and Canadian specialists. Papers must not contain any indication of authorship and must not be published or submitted elsewhere. Manuscripts should normally not exceed 8,000-9,000 words, including footnotes and bibliography, and should be formatted according to Chicago style. Papers may be written in either English or French. A brief abstract (one or two sentences) should be included with the submission.  Proposals and enquiries are also welcome and should be directed to the Editor at <>.  

    Florilegium’s website at the University of Toronto Press can be found at 


    Appel à contributions

    La revue Florilegium, organe de la SCM / CSM, accueille des articles dans tous les domaines des études médiévales. Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre leur manuscrit sous forme de document électronique MS Word à l’éditrice, la professeure A. E. Christa Canitz <>. Tous les textes sont évalués anonymement par au moins deux lecteurs ou lectrices externes, du Canada ou de l’étranger, spécialistes de leur domaine. Les manuscrits ne doivent comporter aucune indication permettant d’identifier l’auteur ; les textes publiés ou soumis ailleurs sont exclus. Ils peuvent être rédigés en français ou en anglais ; ils ne doivent pas normalement dépasser 8 000 à 9 000 mots, y compris les notes en bas de page et la bibliographie, et ils doivent se conformer aux règles de présentation du Chicago Manual of Style. Un court résumé (une ou deux phrases) devra être joint à la soumission d’article. Les propositions et demandes d’informations sont également bienvenues et doivent être à adressées à l’éditrice à <>.

    Le site web de Florilegium, aux Presses de l’Université de Toronto, se trouve à : 


    Thanks to those of you who have renewed your memberships already. Memberships are renewable starting on June 15 of each year. In 2018 we had 184 members, up from 143 in the previous year. We are trying to register 200 members for this year. Please encourage your colleagues to join. You can update and renew your own membership on the CSM website ( Membership in the society can make a great gift for graduating students.  

    Membership fees support our annual meeting, pay for our prizes, and pay our dues to the CFHSS. The Society represents Canadian medievalists to the government agencies such as SSHRC and to international networks, such as CARA. CSM Members receive the society's journal, Florilegium, and news from the society. Members also receive a discount on Mediaeval Studies when it is purchased along with the membership. The rate for Mediaeval Studies is $68 including shipping and tax.
     That's 50% off the regular price!



    Merci à toutes celles et tous ceux d’entre vous qui avez déjà renouvelé leur adhésion. L’adhésion doit être renouvelée le 15 juin de chaque année. En 2108, nous avions 184 membres, alors que nous n’en avions que 134 l’année précédente. Notre objectif est d’atteindre 200 cette année. N’hésitez pas à enjoindre vos collègues à devenir membres par le biais du site web. Le site web (https://www. vous permet de vérifier votre statut de membre et de renouveler votre adhésion en ligne. Une adhésion à la Société peut être, par exemple, un cadeau à vos étudiants fraîchement diplômés.

    Les frais d’adhésion servent à financer la rencontre annuelle, les prix et la cotisation à la FSH. La Société représente les intérêts des médiévistes auprès d’agences gouvernementales comme le CRSH et de réseaux internationaux comme CARA. Les membres de la SCM reçoivent la revue de la Société, Florilegium, et les nouvelles de la Société. Les membres de la SCM peuvent également se prévaloir d’un rabais sur le prix de la revue Mediaeval Studiess’ils s’abonnent en même temps qu’ils renouvellent leur adhésion. Le prix de Mediaeval Studies revient donc à $68, incluant taxes et frais de poste, ce qui correspond à 50% du prix régulier.


    Sébastien Rossignol (Memorial University) makes it possible for us to circulate a French version of Scrinium alongside the English version. Traduction française par Sébastien Rossignol, Memorial University.  

  • 30 Aug 2018 9:43 AM | Anonymous

    The online Middle English Dictionary and Compendium, developed and hosted by the University of Michigan, have received their most significant update in the last two decades. You can use the beta version here:

    If you'd like to read about the long development of this fantastic resource, you can read up on it at the About page:

    Congrats to all involved and thank you for your dedicated work.

  • 6 Jul 2018 9:04 AM | Brandon Alakas

    A Note from Christopher Cannon

    Glossarial Concordance to Middle English
    The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and the English Works of John Gower

    The data was compiled by the late Larry Benson from the electronic files created when he edited the Riverside Chaucer as well as the similar files he created in his retirement from Macaulay’s edition of Gower. As many of you know, the concordance was available on Harvard’s Chaucer website for some years, although, as Larry said, it was ‘buggy from the start’ (it turns out there were some simple but disabling errors in the original indexing files), and, recently, it had become all but unusable. I recently persuaded the library at Hopkins of the importance of this data to Middle English studies, however, as well as its potential for the digital humanities, and so a variety of resources were made available including a software engineer to provide new programming for the data with a variety of new searching possibilities. The most important advance I think—which should make this usable by beginning students—is an auto-fill function in the search boxes so that Middle English approximations of the form you are typing as well as possible dictionary headwords are suggested and progressively refined. This site also makes available the tagged text (which you can see alongside or instead of the untagged text of each line) and Benson’s tagging system (sui generis but a useful standard since it is entirely based on MED abbreviations). I have hopes of expanding the site by adding other Middle English texts both major and minor myself, but anyone who wishes to tag a text for inclusion is most welcome to do so.

    There will soon be an email address available on the site (under the ‘Contact’ tab) should you encounter problems when using it or want to recommend revisions or particular expansions. In the meantime, however, you are welcome to write to me with suggestions or concerns at

    With best wishes

    Christopher Cannon
    Glossarial Concordance to Middle English
    The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer and the English Works of John Gower

  • 29 Jun 2018 8:56 AM | Anonymous

    The English version will follow.

    Chers et chères membres de la SCM,

    Le 15 juin marque le début de l’année d’adhésion, c’est donc le moment de se reconnecter à la Société canadienne des médiévistes et de faire des plans pour l’année à venir. Notre société croît de manière exponentielle depuis la migration de notre site Internet vers un nouveau domaine. En 2017, 60% du trafic vers notre site est venu de moteurs de recherches et de partages sur les réseaux sociaux; les 40% restants provenaient de marque-pages ou de liens directs. Si notre nouveau site représente un portail vers d’autres médiévistes… vous y êtes-vous déjà connectés et avez-vous mis votre profil à jour?

    Il est possible de mettre à jour votre profil et de renouveler votre adhésion avec facilité et rapidité. Il suffit de se connecter à la section « membre » de notre site: Si c’est votre première visite sur le nouveau site, il faudra choisir l’option “j’ai oublié mon mot de passe” et suivre les directions. Vous pouvez aussi contacter Andrew si vous avez besoin d’aide

    Cherchez-vous un cadeau de graduation à offrir à un ou une diplômé-e ? Il est possible d’offrir une adhésion à cette adresse :

    Notre site Internet facilite les connexions entre collègues, entre médiévistes, entre Canadien-nes et chercheur-es du Canada, que vous participiez à notre colloque annuel ou non. Renouvelez votre adhésion dès aujourd’hui – et considérez l’option de renouvellement automatique pour soutenir les initiatives de la SCM. Cette année la Société va développer ses réseaux sociaux à travers de nouvelles initiatives, nous avons un nouveau numéro de Florilegiumà paraître et la Société continue de souligner les recherches innovantes à travers les prix que nous décernons. Nous espérons vous retrouver nombreux au Congrès de l’année prochaine qui se tiendra à l’Université de Colombie-Britannique début juin : Toutes ces activités sont rendues possibles par le renouvellement des adhésions des membres.

    Merci pour votre soutien à nos efforts,

    Meredith Bacola                                                                                             SCM Secré

    Merci à Lucie Laumonier pour cette traduction.

    Dear CSM member,

    With our membership year beginning on June 15th, now is a great time to reconnect with the society and plan for the year ahead. Our society continues to grow exponentially since the transference of our website to a new domain. For instance, website analytics have shown that in 2017, 60% of our website traffic has come through search engines and social media sharing, with the remaining 40% coming from a direct bookmark or link. If this is our portal to other medievalists…have you logged in and updated your profile yet?

    You can update your profile and membership quickly and easily by logging into the members’ only section of our website: If you haven’t been to our new website yet, you will have to choose the ‘forgot password’ option and follow the prompts. Further questions can be directed to Andrew, our webmaster, at

    Looking for a graduation present for a postgraduate? Encourage their connection with other medievalists through providing a gift membership here:

    Our website facilitates connections, amongst colleagues, amongst medievalists, amongst Canadians and researchers in Canada, whether you attend our annual Congress or not. Please renew your membership today and consider choosing the recurring option so that SCM/CSM may continue to sustain its initiatives. This year, the society looks forward to new social media initiatives, a forthcoming Florilegium volumeand acknowledging cutting edge research through our prize offerings. We also hope to reconnect with many of you at next year’s Congress, which will be hosted by the University of British Columbia in early June: All these initiatives and others are made possible by your timely membership renewal.

    Thank you for supporting the vital work that we do, 

     Meredith Bacola                                                                  

    CSM Secretary-Treasurer/

  • 11 Jun 2018 1:01 PM | Anonymous

    THE MEDIEVAL ACADEMY OF AMERICA17 Dunster St., Suite 202, Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: 617-491-1622 Fax: 617-492-3303

    Seeking Editor of Speculum

    The Medieval Academy of America seeks to appoint an Editor for Speculum. The position is configured as part-time, requiring around 25 hours per week. The Editor is appointed for an expected five-year term, subject to acceptable yearly performance reviews, with the possibility of a second five-year term by mutual agreement. The editor should be an established scholar with academic credentials in some field(s) of medieval studies, broadly defined, with good organizational and decision-making skills. Experience in journal or book editing will be helpful but not necessary. The new editor should plan on taking office in the late Spring of 2019, and at the latest by July 1, 2019. Terms and conditions are to be negotiated, as is the physical location of the Editor.

    Applications should be sent to the MAA by July 30, 2018. There will be electronic interviews in Fall 2018 and interviews with finalists in early December, 2018. Cover letters may be addressed to David Wallace, Chair of the Search Committee. In addition to a curriculum vitae, the cover letter should include ideas about future directions for the journal, and discussion of how s/he envisions setting up the position, either in the MAA office, now in Cambridge, MA, or by moving the operation to a university campus. If the latter, s/he will describe possible institutional support. The search committee wants to identify the best pool of candidates, and the MAA is willing to be flexible in finding ways to accommodate the various modes of professional life encountered in the searching process. However, wherever the ultimate location of the Editor, there will need to be access to a major research library and to graduate students who can be hired for assistance. Candidates should also include the names and email addresses of three scholars who can speak to the candidate’s editorial experience and scholarship; these references will only be contacted for long-listed candidates. The MAA President would be happy to respond to immediate questions about the duties involved, but candidates should also consult the fuller description of duties posted on the Academy website. The MAA also encourages nominations for the position, and there is a place to submit these on the website as well; all nominees will be sent a letter encouraging application.

    For additional information, contact:

    Visit our website for a full job description and to apply:

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